Building a Christian Study Center: A Practical Alternative to Establishing a University
Establishing a university is a resource-intensive endeavor, often unattainable due to constraints like time, finances, and human capital. However, creating a Christian study center offers a practical and impactful alternative. This model provides accredited teacher education programs through strategic partnerships with organizations such as ECEC Nepal, EQUIP (KISC), TeachBeyond, ITEEN, and DAI.

The study center can draw from ITEEN’s pilot undergraduate program and DAI’s Master’s in Organizational Leadership as templates, offering accessible and flexible education that integrates Christian principles. By focusing on teacher education, leadership development, and early childhood education, the study center equips educators to influence their communities with credibility and a strong Christian worldview.

This approach balances practicality with vision, meeting immediate educational needs while investing in the development of future leaders. Through collaboration, tailored curricula, and globally recognized accreditation, the study center becomes a hub for transformative education, uniting faith and learning to make a lasting impact.

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